Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Losing It With Leanne Challenge Day 14 - Still here!

January 25, 2011

Sorry about that! I am still here, really! :D You know how it is... life gets busy and all of a sudden you're way behind in your blog posts.

I'm still on the plan and having fun. I'm down about 4 pounds which is good for me. Slow and Steady, I like it! I kinda-sorta am on Losing It With Leanne Volume 2, but really it's a combination of weeks 1 and 2. I shared my lentil soup with DH and therefore finished it faster (plus I only made a half-batch because my crock cooker is little) so I'm still mostly snacking on the Kashi. I've been keeping my crock cooker busy with Dinner dishes, plus I've been busy and haven't made more soup yet, but I will make more tomorrow. It was pretty good, but I'm gonna try sauteing the onion and garlic before I start and it should be even better!

I've also been trying a new thing with the FLYlady motto Go for seven in 2011! There's a group of us FLYbabies on Facebook chatting and we came up with the idea of daily seven lists. Seven things that you want to do everyday - it's a spin on the FLYlady routines, as we aren't really good at that yet. My daily seven list is: Get dressed to shoes, Swish n Swipe, Devotions, One Load of Laundry (start to finish), Drink my water, Dishes, and Bless my Heart. If I get all seven done in one day I get a point, when I get seven points I give myself a small reward (I chose taking the time to scrapbook one layout) and when I get to 70 points I get $7 extra spending money for fun stuff. The points system is a little more complicated than that (I have other ways to earn points, too) so 70 isn't really that huge of a number for me. I've done six of seven today, and I'm off to do my! :D

So anyway, thank you for joining me, and I hope I can help you! It really is fun to be a Homemaking Diva!!

Please comment or send your questions to me at

Have great day!

Valerie :D

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