Monday, January 17, 2011

Losing It With Leanne Challenge Day 4

On nights I'm having lunch-supper-breakfast because we go to bed right after we eat at the end of our 'day' and I think that's working out well, although it's a little weird having the soup and my coffee at the same time, but that's just being silly. I should set the coffeemaker up the day before and have the coffee with my pre-breakfast.... Hey! I like that idea! I should do that.

Supper tonight was leftover Pork Diane mmm mmmm! DH likes it also, even with the Cilantro-Parsley mix up ;)

I've been OK with my water, drinking about 3 FLYlady (16 ounce) bottles a day but I really should be drinking 4 or more. Shouldn't take to much to pull that off, I just need to make the effort to drink it up! I have my bottle with me most of the time, that's a good start. Plus, me telling you is good motivation for trying harder!

You know what I realized today? The biggest part of my weight problem is portion sizes. Before I started this plan last week, most dinners I'd make close to 4 servings worth for 2 people and we didn't always have leftovers. What I'm discovering now while making myself follow the Losing It With Leanne plan I'm eating less, but I'm not hungry. I work for Leanne, so I know that a meat portion size is about the size of a deck of cards, I've heard her say it and read her writing it many times. But I never followed it. I think I was kind of afraid that if I ate 'normal' portion sizes all the time, it wouldn't be enough for me. But you know what? It is. I'm following the recipes and directions quite closely, and I'm splitting each meal into the correct number of serving sizes and just having one serving and I'm not hungry! Go me!

So anyway, thank you for joining me, and I hope I can help you! It really is fun to be a Homemaking Diva!!

Please comment or send your questions to me at

Have great day!

Valerie :D

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