Sunday, January 16, 2011

Losing It With Leanne Challenge Day 3

January 14, 2011

Seriously, if I'd known I was going to pick the egg salad so many days in a row, I would have just made one big batch! It's too funny! There are several lunch options and I keep picking the same thing, LOL! Oh well, it's good and I haven't had egg salad in a while. I don't know why DH and I both like it. I guess it's just that I don't remember to boil the eggs ahead... Maybe I will now.

My protein powder came in today! Man those are big containers (2 pounds each), but that's OK, I'll just put some in one of my zipplerware containers and call it good.

Made Pork Diane tonight. Do you know what's really funny? I'm prepping the veggies, and I realize I bought cilantro instead of parsley! The silly thing is that I wasn't even going to bother with the fresh parsley except that two of the recipes I picked called for it... oh well, they're just gonna be cilantro-y ;)

And I made steamed Brussels sprouts for the first time. You'd think I'd look it up since I didn't know what I was doing, but they turned out fine. Actually, they taste like cauliflower kinda. I really don't understand why some people dislike broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts so much, they taste pretty plain and it's easy to spice them up to a flavour you DO like! I tried the Saving Dinner way of having steamed Brussels sprouts with a little unsalted butter and nutmeg... not bad at all! I think I'll make it again someday, although DH only likes them raw, apparently.

It's interesting, all these foods that I've been meaning to try at some point, and he doesn't like them to start with. Oh well. At least he's nice about it. Even the other night when I made acorn squash, he ate most of it before telling me that it's not his favourite. But I did talk to him about it and we figure it's just that this stuff is kinda plain, and he's not opposed to trying, say, a squash dish even though he doesn't like squash by itself. I've made spaghetti squash before and that was fine, but it was loaded with butter and Parmesan and/or spaghetti sauce. And he's OK with cooked broccoli and cauliflower if they're in a frittata.

I think eating on the plan is better for me than what I was doing. With switching between nights and days, I sometimes get a little light-headed if I haven't eaten in a while. On the Losing It With Leanne plan, I have snacks scheduled in already, so I don't have to feel bad that I'm eating 'extra' and there's a plan of what to eat, so I'm not eating random stuff that may or may not be so good for me.

I've been doing my 'circuit' on the wii fit everyday. Depending on what games I play more than once it takes 20-30 minutes. I've been going over the 90 calorie goal of a 8 oz glass of coke, so I'm changed it to a 115 calorie piece of flan for tomorrow (I burned 120 tonight anyway).

I know I 've only been doing this for a few days, but it already kinda seems like a way of life. Mornings are so hectic and the tiny bowl of Kashi is great to have quickly right after I get dressed to shoes, and then I can get DH's lunch together and do what needs to be done first thing.

So anyway, thank you for joining me, and I hope I can help you! It really is fun to be a Homemaking Diva!!

Please comment or send your questions to me at

Have great day!

Valerie :D

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