Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Workin' The Night Shift!

As I've mentioned before, DH works shift work and I change with him.  We flip between days and nights (6:30-6:30, either way) with days off in between. It's challenging at times, but not too bad in our situation. (Young, without kids.)

A while back I received an email asking how I deal with the changes. And I'm finally getting around to answering her. :S

To start with, days are 'regular days' and we keep the 'normal' schedule and eating pattern. It's just a LONG day with a 12 hour shift. Nights is where we get tricksy. Instead of having breakfast-lunch-dinner like most people, when we're on nights we do breakfast-dinner-breakfast. Yep! Two breakfasts. The main reason for that is when DH gets home around 7am, we eat and go straight to bed, so we need something lighter.

Also, when we're on nights, DH is typically one dinner behind me. All that means is that if I'm cooking chicken on Monday, he's eating it on Tuesday. So I'm cooking dinner for me and putting some straight into a glass container for him to take to work. (Not crazy about microwaves, but at least I nixed the plastic.)

Being on shift has it's advantages. Living in Ontario, electricity is cheaper at night and on weekends (read: they jacked up the prices for when you actually WANT to use your stuff). So while I don't avoid using my appliances during the day, night shift and weekend shifts are when I do the laundry marathons and get all caught up so I can go back to the FLYlady way of one load a day.

Also, I love the summer heat, but DH... not so much (he likes warm, but not HOT). We don't have air conditioning, but I'm able to have the windows open from 2-6am and cool the house down (when I think of it, of course). I can only do an evening thing, but tend not to go out too much (I do LOVE that my grocery store is open until 10pm, so I can still do groceries on night shift, I just have to do it first after DH goes to work), so I have to do 'everything' on days so that's when I schedule time with my sister and friends and maybe do a little shopping.... But not every 'day'. :D

So anyway, thank you for joining me, and I hope I can help you! It really is fun to be a Homemaking Diva!!

Please comment or send your questions to me at homemakingdiva@hotmail.com

Have great day!

Valerie :D

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