Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Learn To Enjoy What You Are Doing Anyway

Learn to enjoy what you are doing anyway. It makes sense, if you think about it. The basic concept is that housework isn't going to go away, so you might as well learn to like it!

Dishes, cooking, groceries, cleaning, laundry,.... the list goes on and on and then starts at the top and goes again!

The good news is that most of these tasks are easy to break down into smaller jobs. I know that when I've been slacking off and I start to look around I see all the jobs I need to do and it overwhelms me, so I don't want to do any of it! That doesn't help. The trick is to only focus on one thing and get that going and try not to think about the rest of it. (Actually the real trick is to do a little everyday so you don't get behind, but I digress.)

Let's take laundry, for our example. One load of laundry takes less than 10 minutes of actual work and it's all spread out. Think about it: It only takes two minutes to sort one or two day's worth of dirty laundry and put one load on. Then you get to walk away while the washer works. It only takes one minute to flip the laundry from the washer to the dryer and hang to hang to dry stuff. Then you walk away while the dryer works. And it only takes five minutes to fold one load of laundry and put away your stuff and the linens (let the others put their stuff away but make sure that it gets done the same day). One load of laundry is two minutes plus one minute plus five minutes: 8 minutes! You could almost do two in one of FLYlady's fifteen minutes!

We tend to blow a lot of jobs out of proportion. The trick with laundry is that you don't think of it as "an hour before it's done" you think of it as "eight minutes of work".

Also, be sure to reward yourself for a job well done! That makes it fun! I only have to do this little thing, then I get to play!

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